

Family planning involves making informed decisions about when to have children, how many children to have, and the spacing between pregnancies. It includes the use of contraceptives and other methods to achieve desired family size.

Methods include birth control pills, condoms, intrauterine devices (IUDs), hormonal implants, and sterilization methods for both men and women. Consult with your doctor to find out which method suits your needs.

Family planning can be considered at any reproductive age. Individuals or couples may choose to start family planning when they feel ready for parenthood, would like to avoid getting pregnant, want to space their children, or need to manage healthrelated concerns.

Different contraceptive methods have varying risks and side effects. You Have to consult with a healthcare provider to understand potential risks and choose a method that aligns with your health, lifestyle, and family planning goals. Common side effects may include hormonal changes, temporary discomfort during insertion (for devices like IUDs), or mild irritation.